ESV has imposed additional requirements on the supply of RCBOs (known as RCDs) that are designed to be permanently fixed to household or similar electrical wiring in Victoria.
Suppliers must undertake additional testing and verification that will ensure their products still operate satisfactorily if there is a defect in the installation or if the product has been installed incorrectly.
If an RCBO covered by the prohibition is not on the list published on ESV’s website as having passed the additional tests, it cannot be supplied or installed after 1 July 2018.
The prohibition applies to RCBOs even if they are integrated in other electrical equipment such as preassembled switchboards.
The prohibition does not apply to DIN mountable RCBOs that are greater than 110mm in length and DIN mountable RCBOs that have a short circuit breaking capacity of 10kA or greater.
For a list of RCBOs that comply with ESV’s additional testing and verification requirements, click here